
I am very confused about my carrieer .i dont know what should i do after my 12th please help me?

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i want to do something for my country but i dont know what should i exactly do after my 12th




  1. your question only is very confuse for me, putting one plant into the soil also is good thing for our country. if want to do something for our country, you can do from any field.

    if you're really love the country go to defence to protect our country, that is a major thing you're going to do for our country...ok...


  2. Neha,

    The information that you have provided is insufficient. However, what I do underetand is that you want to do something after 12th and that something should be in line with your dream to do something for the country.

    Here are my suggestions:

    First thing that you can do is to get good education for yourself. So identify a good further study stream for yourself, based on your interests and strengths. It may be computers, medicine or poletical scince for that matter.

    Once you are educated you can touch the life of fellow citizens by your knowledge in infinite ways. By becoming a computer pro you can help designing better software, faster operations and so on... By medical studies, you can cure people. You can choose to teach others by becoming a teacher.

    They say the future of a nation is it's children and the children are guided by their teachers to build the nation.

    So right now, my advice is, that you should concentrate on your 12th. Then choosing the right higher studies and you will figure out the rest as it will come.

    All the best!

  3. Don't be so confused in such a young age. You still have lot of time , concentrate on your studies first . Your parents would definitely guide you . Identify your best abilities  and try to improve your qualities.

    Make sure that your name is in the toppers list of your college.

    Good luck  

  4. hello friend,

       Being a good citizen,is a very important thing you can do for your country.

    At this time what is improtant is to do something that gives you a settelment in your life...

    Anything you do, after 12th, you'll finally land up in  computers/software. So , what ever you do, does not have any thing to do with your job. this is what is seen in most cases these days.

    Therefore, I suggest you to go on with your interest.

    But I would suggest what every you do in ur graduation, post graduation, do some computer courses (Basiscs, C,C++,Java)when ever you have free time, vaccations etc.This will be very useful. You can also check hte site,


  5. You should take your career in computer, in software dev or programming, or networking there is great scope ahead. further with this line you learn how to connect with the world with your thoughts.

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