
I am very disorganized with a learning disability in college. Can anyone help me?

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I have something called a nonverbal learning disability and it hurts my visual-spatial organization skills. I have difficulty keeping myself organized and I am looking for a compensation technique that can help me over come this. I have a lot of difficulty with internal processing and organizing information let alone the external stuff such as papers, books, etc. I am getting help with processing and I never was in learning support. My parents have tried to show me, but it doesn't work.




  1. NVLD is on the Autism spectrum. If you have medical insurance, I would recommend having a neuropsychological evaluation administered. This will give you a solid diagnosis AND a list of some accommodations that will help you. The college, your parents, etc. are not going to be able to assist you without this information.

    Also, having the books by Sue Thompson would be invaluable to your family and your disability services director.

  2. Also check with your student support services and see if they will allow you to have special permission to take a lower number of credits, until you feel able to add more classes in the next coming semesters.  

    I started out with just 9 credits, even though there is a minimum requirement of 12 credits.

    The SSS office allowed a lower number for my requirements.  Then as I got used to college and the schedule, I slowly added one more class, depending on the semester.

    They may also be able to help you with special organization skills for this.

    I had a special folder for everything.

    always set an outline of EXACTLY what needs to be done for that day (or for what is due sooner than this class, etc) and ONLY focus on that.  Put everything else away, except for that, and follow your outline.

    Hope this gets your wheels turning!

    Good luck!  :-)

  3. perhaps you could talk with the counselor at your school or the disability adviser.

  4. I'm a Special Ed major too! Talk to your ADA coordinator at your university-- He or she will be able to help you on a personal level and help your professors to understand what you're going through and what they can do to make your college experience more enjoyable. In the mean time, you could try these tips that could make organizing a little more simple: have 2 folders for homework to turn in (one for MWF and one for Tues/Thurs)--another thing to try is using a tape recorder for EVERYTHING...everything from recording the lectures from your classes to things you have to do... I hope this helps and best of luck with everything! Remember, talk to your university's ADA coordinator...they'll really get things going!

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