
I am very disoriented. Please answer this question.?

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went to Lebanon this year for vacation and met a girl who I like very much. I am very pious (Muslim) and respectful. I have no bad intention. I just admire her piety and respect. She is the girl I want to marry. I am still 17 and she is about my age too. But I am in America and she is in Lebanon and I dont know if I will ever see her again. I am a valedictorian and I plan to finish Medical school. In lebanon, they marry early. How can I marry her in time. Keep in mind, in Islam, we cannot just express our feelings and say I love you and go out. That is immoral. Keep it within the Islamic guidelines. She is close to my family that live in lebanon. How can I meet her again. I dont want anyone to marry her but me. I have never felt the same way about a girl in my entire life. Thankyou for your consideration and kindness for answering the question.




  1. If she is close to your parents, you should try to find out her i.m address that way you can keep close contact with her...

    good luck

  2. Maybe my friend you may want to ask for her hand in marriage now when you turn 18 teen if you feel this way and know you will love her forever

    save some money (I know it's hard for you as you have your schooling to pay for) But you can put this off.Keeping within your Islamic guidelines

    Maybe you can marry her and she can stay with her family till you are done your schooling and then can seen for her as you know if it is true love she will be willing to wait till then for they are very Loyal and respectful to their husbands.I pray this helps as she maybe your soul mate if you feel this strongly about her.I have know this to happen as my

    niece met her husband when she was only 15 teen in church and they have been together now still in love for more then 19teen year's it was love at first sight so I believe this can happen to you as well both are in the medical field as well.  

  3. Ask a member of your family to talk to her, or ask your father to write to her and let her know of your intentions. You are a very nice young man.

  4. Well if you both are Muslim it is my understanding that she is not allowed to communicate with men about the topic of love, s*x, or marriage.. Nor would you want to as she can be punished ..isn't that correct?

    However, it seems as though you are going to be successful and able to take care of her and a family. Can't you ask her father directly for her hand in marriage? Is there already an arranged marriage for her? It would seem that her family would approve since you already have a link to her family..

    And what father would not want to marry a daughter off to a successful male.

    If you're allowed to ask her father you should go for it!! The only thing he can say is no and it seems as though you are prepared for that possibility.

    Good Luck and I hope you are able to achieve your goal.

  5. ask your family that is close to her what her address is. write her a nice letter and let her know how you feel and that you want to come see her after you finish school, and to please wait for you. i wish you the best of luck.

  6. no relation to Language section

    post it in Family & Relationships

  7. At first as a Muslim pray a lot to May ALLAH give you what you want.

    About Marriage you are so young for it ...

    what can i say ...

    when ppl fall in love they don`t care none ...

    so you must to win with your Love if your love is powerful you will get her any how INSA-ALLAH.

    Best of luck ...

    Thx to thats person who give me link to ans your qs ...

    May ALLAH bless her too :)

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