
I am very free spirited...advice please?? read on, 10pts to best!?

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I don't know how I will ever settle down/be happy with someone else in my life. Please just give me advice on how to deal with my free spiritedness (which I really love about me, but I know life is going to be challenging being this way)????




  1. Do it your way, if you have independent funds to support your free spirited lifestyle.  Happiness and fun are really like blood to the heart to some people.  Being happy is important to you.  So, you have what you want.  Enjoy!

  2. Why do you need to settle down and get married? This is a life style that isn't for everyone. Life may be DIFFERENT but not challenging. If you settled down then you would be unhappy with your life and thats not healthy. Live your life the way YOU want and not the way society says you should.

  3. Girl, I know you don't want to hear this but it's not something you 'deal with'. It's a part of who you are, you can't, and shouldn't just try to stuff that down and out of the picture.

    Is life challenging this way? d**n straight, but it's also a heck of a lot of fun. The good news is there's guys out there who are the exact same way, and they will know the feeling so they won't try to control you or ask you to put that aside cause they know how it feels to be asked to do that.

    On top of that, you deal with it when you come to it and if it doesn't feel right don't do it.

  4. There is nothing wrong with being a free spirit, as long as you are truly happy with who and what you are. Do not change yourself to meet the needs or wants of others. If you do, you will only destroy yourself. Life is what we make it and how we handle things. Enjoy yourslef for who you are....

  5. I'm going through the same thing right now and let me tell you thinking of the future is scary when you see the world differently. I learned not to settle for something i don't want and live life like i want. You should too. At this point, embrace being a free bird with larger wings than most people. You get to feel life like it's a holiday everyday because you can. Travel the world make friends of all kinds because sure you're different but that what attracts people to you. Whatever you do, don't change for no one, no man, no disaster, listen to you and what you think it's best. And who knows, being free spirited might be the secret to your success and happiness. Don't fear hon, just watch out for stones, never allow yourself to be toppled over because of your personality. You can be free spirited and do what the average Joe does and more if it doesn't bother you. That could be a balance. As for finding someone, you will. Trust yourself, there's someone out there who'll capture you without putting you in a cage or throwing stones. Your beloved will love you for you, and not a mask.  

  6. You have to practice self control you'll be fine.

  7. I dont see why you have to settle down until you want. Being free spirited is what made this country great. Live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment, taste every food. When the right person comes along you will want to be with them. Dont ever stifle your free ness. Its who you are, there will be someone who will love you because you are. You sound like you have your head on straight, keep following your heart.

  8. Hi that is an interesting way to describe yourself for a start, and it can be what we call a loaded term, it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

    So to truly give advise I would have to ask questions of you determining what that free spiritedness means to you.

    Is it that you haven't found someone whom you have cared for enough, to actually put aside some of your own wants, (not needs or you'll exhaust and frustrate yourself) to think of what they need to feel loved from you. And are  you unsure you'll ever find someone that makes you think and feel that way?

    Or is it that you do not wish to submit your own will to the will of someone else do to the fear that you will be engulfed by them and lose your uniqueness? That can be caused by verdict parents (people that lay down the law when you were a child and not give you credit for  your own will) or by over indulgent parents who have let you have your own way falsely believing that any other way to parent is "squashing your spirit".

    Then of course, there is the fact that true freedom is being able to own any decision you make as one you have decided to make yourself, no matter if someone else suggested it in the first place or not. Someone who can easily cry victim when they take advice and it doesn't work, then blame the others for the advice, although they took it. Are you truly free, or are you a slave to your own wants and desires and cannot stand disappointing yourself when you can't have what you want when you want it? And if someone else was around who got in the way of you getting, doing or being wherever you want, is that what you are afraid of?

    I agree, you need to look carefully at whoever you choose to spend your life with for suitability, interests that correspond to each other, someone who understands your need to meet your freedom need however you find that is. But part of spending life with a partner, is learning to lve another more than your own self.

    All the best, I wonder if anything I have said has made you think at all.


  9. Join the club, sister.  Try to find other people like yourself, people who can enjoy time together without making demands or trying to confine you or change you.  There are a lot of us out there.  People who believe in one person forever still get divorced all the time.  Accept that people come and go, love grows, changes and fades, and enjoy the people in your life while they're there.

  10. I want to ask you a question.  When you say, you are free spirit, do you mean you fall in love with someone quickly and when another person shows you an interest, you soon lose interest and find a different person?  (I am guessing this because you are writing about settling down.)  

    If you mean free spirited as having hard time to make a commitment to someone,  settling down/being happy with someone else is not for everyone.  Some people are just content and happier with being single.  

    You also write that you know that life is going to be challenging for being who you are.  But life is going to be challenging no matter you are free spirited or not.  

  11. yea, life is cool like this- much more fun- you live only once !! don't settle for anything less than you want to

  12. what about you is free-spirited???  we need more info on your lifestyle ...  are you wanting to just go have s*x with everyone you see?  or are you just a person who loves to meet new people???

    personally i love meeting new people ...  I live with my sig other and host social outings ...  sometimes he comes, sometimes not ...  he trusts me and i am loyal ...

    please explain more???

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