
I am very new at this aupair thing. please enlighten me as to how can i say if an aupair seeker or an aupair

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applicant is a scam? how can i avoid such persons. thanks.




  1. You never know but in general, NEVER pay anything via Western Union.

    The safest way it go through a proper au pair agency but if they're too expensive, you'll just have to use common sense and instinct.

    If you're an applicant, you should never pay money to the host family. Cant really say the same to host families though because some au pairs do ask for air tickets up front (but in this case, buy the air ticket for her yourself- do not send her the money or buy a ticket or buy the ticket via a specific agency she recommends).

    For applicants: it's always a warning sign when the family is in the UK and offering wayyy too much money.  

  2. usually you can go trough embassies and the links given by embassies are reliable, it all depends where you are wanting to go and from which country you are seeking for the position?

    look at the embassy of the country you are wanting to work in your own country, check to see if links are included in the web site,

    i know the US embassy has links to au pair,so does the UK, France,

    good luck to you.


  3. Answering your question is actually impossible.

    It is entirely up to you to ensure that a potential employer is bona fide. How to do that is also, unfortunately, up to you and up to the individual situation.

    It is a dangerous world out there, and if you can't ensure your own personal safety and integrity, perhaps choose a different vocation.

    Being overseas, isolated from your traditional homebase and support infrastructure (family, friends etc) means you have to be able to do it all alone. Personally I would not recommend it unless you have good connections in the country you are working in, and are proficient in the martial arts.

    Sorry to be such a rain on your parade.

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