
I am very possesive for him but he talks to girls which idont like?shuld i still have relation wit him?

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I am very possesive for him but he talks to girls which idont like?shuld i still have relation wit him?




  1. First of all there is no place for possessiveness in love, b'coz differences start from there. If at all he is possessive & the same thing applies on you then tell me - can you accept it? Whatever you think or do should be fair & right/true in general.

    Now a days its a common or say least bothered thing to talk to girls and you say that you don't like it. Why are you getting tensed with these small things - just overlook. If he is doing anything which is unacceptable then you can think over it, but right now I would say that if you are really interested in him then go for the relation. Please don't go for the relation with doubts in your mind, b'coz those doubts will multiply further & may lead to end the relation before it nurtures.

  2. if hes a guy who at the nd of the day talks to only you shares his secrtas only with you and cries only on your shoulder then obviously you should be with him, i myself am an exttremely possesive person but beleive me jealousy aint called the green eyed monster for nothign

    so don't be jealous, if he loves he will come back to you :)

  3. its very natural reaction as u is what we all call LOVE.....

    All d best

  4. Being over possessive is the first way to look crazy and loose your man. He is talking not humpin. Right? So yes you should. Endless he has given You A reason other wise

  5. of course! try to control your possessiveness for him.  let him do what he wants; especially if he is just talking to girls.  its not a big deal. if he starts doing bad things with them like dating them and the girls are cheating on him, or drugs or something bad then you should speak up.  for now let him be.  and he should be responsible enough to know what he is doing, you don't need to act like his mother or something

  6. jealousy. Which is a bad thing.

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