
I am very scared of sharks, and I'm going to snorkel in Key Largo. Should I be scared? What should I do?

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I am 12 years old and very scared of sharks and getting hurt. But my best friend invited me there so i want to go. Please answer fast because I leave tommorw




  1. Take a professional person with you for safety and company, then you may not feel so scared. anyway enjoy your trip and have fun taking photos, enjoy yourself while you are young.

  2. it is ok to be a little scared that will keep you on your toes and aware of your surroundings. Just don't provoke them and don't dive alone.  go onto national and there will be a list of precautions.  otherwise how not to get bitten by a shark.

    Be safe and have a good time!

    Here is the site

  3. Don't be scared, you will have a blast. I live in Marathon which is like 45 minutes away. I spearfish in the ocean 3-4 days a week, don't worry about sharks.

  4. Enjoy yourself! It is entirely possible you might see some small sharks snorkeling the keys, but you shouldn't let it bother you. A shark would rather eat your bicycle than bite you. Sharks do not bite people on purpose! Try not to think of them as "sharks" either... remember, they're just big dumb fish. It's too bad you just missed shark week on The Learning Channel this week. Watching real scientists and divers up close and interacting safely with these fish would probably have helped you see just how silly it is to be worried about sharing the water with them. Have fun you lucky kid!!

  5. well, just be careful- i think that the water is pretty clear there. just keep an eye out for your surrondings and don't wear a bright bathing suit- i read it is attracts sharks and other predators.

  6. As i assume you already had planned on- have some adults accompany you. That always can make it seem a little safer. No, you probably shouldn't be scared. The chances of actually being attacked by a shark are very slim....If you mean freaked out by sharks, and do not even want to swim in the same water as them, i have that same....Deal....With any fish that have visible teeth (And you thought YOUR fear was bad!) Just try and have a good time...Try not to think about it. In the old cartoon "The Halloween Tree" based on a book by Ray Bradbury, One of the characters comes to a realization and says "If you look yours fears in the eye and face them, if you are not afraid they lose their power over you, and cannot scare you." Of course, I don't advise literally, but mentally...Either just face it and tell yourself that you probably wont see any sharks, or avoid thinking about it. Either way, try to have a good time.

  7. Well...... You swin to the place that doesn't have any sharks.Get a snorkel?  

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