
I am very sore after practicing ballet for 5 hours. What should I do to help my muscles feel better/less sore.

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I am a ballerina and I dance quite often during the summer months. I need a way to keep me going even when my muscles don't allow me to perform my fullest because they are sore. HELP!!!




  1. Heat and more stretching. Icy Hot also. Good Luck

  2. This works:

    Soak in a tub and dump a load of Epson salt in the tub (you can buy at CVS for a few bucks)

    Epson salt is known for it's ability to draw toxins out of your body. Lactic acid is a toxin your muscles build up when you are overworked.

    Soak for 20 minutes. Get out of the tub and while still sort of damp put on warm sweats and socks (yes even if it's hot, it OK to get a little sweaty)

    Do this for 20 minutes and do some slow stretching while you're waiting.

    Icy hot and things like that only numb your muscles, they don't do anything to actually help heal them.

  3. Stretch Them out =) The Only way your muscles will feel better is if you stretch them.

  4. bubble bath and icy hot patches help 2

  5. relax and have a nice hot bubble bath!!

  6. -ice/heat allternating

    -hot bath

    -roll out your sore muscles on a pilates foam roller

    -stretch!!! before and after you dance*s...

    (link to foam roller excersizes)

  7. ok well after your done rehearsing, end how you started.  just stretch a little bit and maybe take a hot shower.

  8. Why not try a hot bath and a massage

  9. Take a good massage and a hot water bath..

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