
I am very straight forward person and had great confidence,but i am thin,can i became a roadie?

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I am very straight forward person and had great confidence,but i am thin,can i became a roadie?




  1. Thin doesn't mean you aren't strong. To be a roadie you usually need physical strength (all that shifting of stuff) and the ability to sleep sitting up, since you'll probably be travelling a lot in buses, vans etc. with the stuff. Best if you like late hours and loud noise, too.

  2. Being thin doesn't necessarily mean you dont have muscle..You do need to have some muscles. You can became a roadie, anybody can do anything they want to if they really want to. You just have to have the drive to work for it. Nothing comes easy in life. I suggest you work out an drink that c**p weight lifters do..or just make sure you take vitamins, lots of water an rest every other day from working out. An it will also up your confidence an relieve stress.  

  3. What is a roadie?  sorry, but I really don't know.

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