He has always been very lovey and clingy to her but recently some of her behavior has my guard up. 2 weeks ago, she spent two days with her grandparents and he was around her a lot. Normally she is bad for a few days after returning from grandma’s house but snaps out of it a few days later, it has been 2 weeks and she hasn’t snapped back to herself. Here is a list of things that has me nervous…
He is always hugging, kissing and touching her and he doesn’t act this way towards other female cousins the same age.
He makes her love notes and pictures that say he loves her.
A few weeks back he asked her if he was her favorite cousin and she said no I love everyone the same and he got very upset with her.
He never leaves her alone or lets her do anything by herself, like I will ask her to color a picture and he will take the crayons and paper form her and do it for her and then claim it as her work.
Today in the car, she said he kisses her and she does not like it out of the clear blue.
She has been playing dumb since she returned from grandmas and forgetting things like how to count, that she has known for years.
She has been very clingy and needy, when normally she is a very independent child.
She wants her bedroom door left open at bedtime, and she asked me to sleep with her tonight.
She has had a nightmare, which isn’t out of the ordinary but now that I think back I am not sure if her other nightmares have occurred shortly after spending time with him.
I don’t know if these changes are because she is going to be starting school in a few weeks and we are expecting a new baby on Sept 2 as well as I have recently become a stay at home mom and her father started working two jobs or if it could signify something more serious. I just know that people other than me have asked about her behavioral changes.
I am unsure of how best to pursue further steps. I definitely think that my husband and I will be sitting down and asking her about the kissing thing but I don’t know what questions to necessarily ask and how to ask them without prompting a response.