
I am visiting Ireland soon. Do Irish people dislike americans?

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I have dreamt of going to Ireland for many years now. It is something i am sure that i have thought about everyday for the last 10 years. I know that most of the rest of the world dislikes americans and i was wondering about Ireland. I will be visiting by myself.




  1.  there are definitely dangers in ireland. dublin to be sure. my son is there now and has been harassed by what his 20 something friends call the "knackers" as mentioned above. One or two will come up to you as soon as you open your mouth cause they can verify their assumption you are American. they will act like they are your buddies, seeming genuinely interested in you, call a few more of their friends over and then when there are enough of them , they start roughing you up and badgering you . my son was called a b*****d american cause he has an irish last name yet lives in US. They are irrational - meaning you can not reason with them, they are bitter and have little concern for human life of a non -native. They'll beat you  up and rob you. And you wont be asking for trouble . he was simply walking along and  two of them heard his he and his friend were heading for a dublin pub in an average part of town. It was at night though and he was with only one friend. . And there are tons of pick pockets. So my word of caution is . If you are a teen or 20 something stay away from the pubs or streets at night.. Dublin might be full of warn kind people but  there is a strong distaste for Americans among not a few young adults and most of the "knackers" at any age. My son's friend who has lived there for  5 years now had warned of  the chances of this happening , so thats why they went to a section of town where they thought it would be safer.He advised just not aknowleding them , walk past and ignore there negative comments if they suspect you  are an american than to speak and confirm the fact. Now I am sitting on pins and needles hoping he will come home safe .It is not a good feeling to be in fear while visiting a foreign country. his friend said if you call the  police they will likely have a negative reaction to Americans as well and likely not be helpful.. I suggest registering with the American embassy  for any young adult visiting Ireland. 

  2. I am an American and live in Ireland as I'm married to an Irish National. I can tell you that in general, Irish are consistently much more friendly than not. Be cautioned however, as they are a proud island culture and I find them socially very decievingly happy go lucky, often harbouring negative fellings about their boss or colleagues but never divulging grudges directly to the concerned party. They frankly can be stark and unforgiving of our open or honest directness with feelings, a feature in communication mor3 common back in the States. In my experience, you'd be hard pressed to find an Irish that would send back an overcooked steak at a restaurant, or be seen to complain to their boss if things are awry at work. "Oh no, ya wouldn't do".

  3. We have been to Ireland and found the Irish to be of the warmest nature!! Absolutely wonderful and down to earth much so that we are returning for our second visit~in just a few months!  They are a people who will go the extra steps to show kindness.  Your whole being will be warmed by their hospitality!

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