
I am volunteering with a doctor and I want to know what to expect.?

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The doctor is a very busy and fast paced. I have already bought scrubs and I just want to know what she would expect of me. Also any thing I could do to impress her, so I can get a good recommendation from her to a college.




  1. Try not to get in the way, but don't be quiet and just follow them around.  I did an internship at a cancer center a few years back and it was the most interesting experience!  When a doctor is with a patient let them talk and don't interject...if you have a question, ask the doctor afterwards and I am sure she will love to answer!

    Usually the patients will ask who you are, if you're in school, what you plan to do, etc.  Always take time to answer them because they will be able to tell you a lot of things about their conditions which you wouldn't find out just from reading a book.

    Are you volunteering at a hospital or a private practice?

  2. Don't get in the way, firstly.  Be very polite, and have an interest in what she is doing.  I imagine that you would not be doing this if you were not interested in whatever type of medicine that she practices, so tell her about your plans and what you want to do.  That way she will be more likely to detail procedures and let you watch and help with everything you can.  Ask questions if there is anything you don't understand.  It is better for you to question someone than to go and do something wrong, then you will look stupid.  

    Other than that, just go into the experience with an open mind.  Remember your basic manners and social skills and you should be fine.  Remember, although she is very smart, the doctor is a normal person as well.  She has a life outside of her practice, so everything you talk about may not be medicine related.

  3. Just try to keep up and if you catch yourself not catching on to something don't hesitate to ask questions or else you're only going to harm yourself. Be deligent and show devotion and commitment to learn. These are qualities and skills that will not only benefit your recommondation for college but maybe even a future job. Good luck!

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