
I am walking to the parking lot where my car is, usually after work or school...?

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and find the car has been vandalized

Last night, I dreamt it again - this time the roof was gone and the steering coloumn was bent. The car was driveable. Usually there is major damage to the car in the dream, but sometimes I can't drive it.

I don't have a job outside the home or go to school - but it seems that is where I have been when I find the car. The car is usually a former car that I have owned




  1. Car

    The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. difficulty of the road, identity of the driver, direction of the incline). Recurring car dreams usually deal with life's major themes that may include issues of control and sensibility. By carefully examining this dream, you may gain insight into important areas of life, including to how well you are navigating from one stage of your life to another, if you are assertive and take charge or are passive. Dreaming about traveling in a car is a very, very common dream theme that provides valuable information in regard to a specific part of or long-standing theme in your life's journey

  2. The car represents your method of controlling your life's direction. Where you go. What you do. You probably feel like something/someone is keeping you from moving forward.

    Vandalizing means that something is destroying a thing of value to you. Your brain is working out feelings of helplessness and maybe frustration.

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