
I am wanting to adopt a Indian baby girl. how do i go about it.?

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I am an Indian living abroad.I have no children, but my husband has 2. I am 36. I would like a toddler or a baby. Kindly guide me.




  1. You'll probably have to find an attorney in your country of residence and do an international adoption.  Being Indian is a plus though, especially if you're a citizen- countries tend to put their own citizens ahead of non-citizens on waiting lists.

    Below is a government site about the process of adopting from India.

    Best wishes!

  2. If you are Indian it is going to be so much more ez. Get ahold of me and I can give you so much info.

  3. You need to find an adoption agency that has an international program in India.   Here are links to a couple of very reputable agencies with India programs: (Holt International) (Wide Horizons For Children)

    You do need to know that the process to adopt from India can be very lengthy, because it goes through the court system over there.  Even if you are referred an infant or toddler, the child may be as much as 3 years old by the time you're permitted to bring them home.  But as an Indian, you would be given preferential treatment in the process.

  4. Start doing your research now. Find an agency in your area that supports India adoptions, not all do.  I can tell you this, Due to India's strict regulations, it sometimes takes a lot longer to adopt from that country than others. There is a couple in my agency that are going that route and they have been wating over a year already.  Good Luck

  5. Hi,

    I have attached a link to a good source to help you get started.  Good luck, adoption is a wonderful experience!

    (mom to two adopted girls)

  6. If you are speaking of a Native American infant, all the domestic U.S. agencies have occasional babies who are Native American to place.  However, if you are speaking of Indian babies from India, you simply type in "Adoption - India" into your favorite search engine, and agencies who work in India will pop up.

  7. Just go on HTTP www.adopt and you will see what you wanted

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