
I am wanting to get a package from usa it weighs a whopping 340lbs does anybody know how much it will be???

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I am wanting to get a package from the USA is weighs a whopping 340lbs does anybody know how much it will be?




  1. Phone a shipping company. Give them the dimension, weight, and pickup and drop off location. They'll tell you.

  2. First of all where do you live? So from UK to where?

    My advice is this, if you do go through FedEx or UPS/DHL, it will be very expensive. I was shipping my mom's old furniture from Asia to North America and I went to Hanjin shipping and managed to ship it at under $300.  Google web on LTL (it stands for Less-Than-Truck Load) services. Just type "LTL International" and the area you live in and companies that handle such services will pop up.  

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