
I am wanting to move to Australia but I am concerned about racism and the discrimination in employment.?

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I have lived in the US for 18 yrs and want to move to Australia but I am concerned that I will face discrimination and racism in Australia. My heritage is from Middle Eastern background. I have not faced any discrimination or racism in the USA I just want a change of pace. I would appreciate honest insight from Australians whether it is a bad idea or not. I am educated and well versed with professional working background




  1. if you have the skills needed, you will get a job.

    There are anit discrimination boards in each state.

    Yes, some Australians see all middle easterns as suicide bombers, but you will find that certain parts of say Sydney and Melbourne have middle eastern neighbourhoods....there are the very bad ones which are violent but there are also some more peaceful ones.

    if your still not sure, then try to get the funds and spen a week or two in a city that you would look at living in...walk the streets and meet some people and then make up your own mind.

    we arnt all racist here!

  2. Hi,

    First of all, Australia is a multicultural country. Other than the aborigines, we're all migrants to the country. You'll be surprised how many different cultural background communities here including your middle eastern (some of the areas in middle eastern in Area even as close as the one in middle easter - i.e. they sell middle eastern food, spices, clothes, books, musics, etc).

    There isn't any racism in Australia and it is illegal to discriminate.

    I'm a proud ethnic migrant and an Australian. I came from a development country and spoke almost no English at all. I studied hard and very fortunate to have gotten a very good job. I do lots of public speaking now in my role in English to Australian customers (these include people from the following cultural background caucasian, asian, middle eastern, african origin).

    Don't worry mate, Australia is such a beautiful country. My mates have different cultural backgrounds. Thats what make Australia as a country an interesting place because you can experience different culture/background/food.

    Having travelled around the world, Australians are one of the most down to earth people I've ever met/hung out with. They're laid back and cool. They have 'no worries' attitude. There're a lot of Australians who works in US, go have a drink wtih them and see how nice they are :-)

    Australia is such a better place to live due to the good lifestyle. It's really safe, compare to USA. We don't have guns ownership (that's for sure).

    My life's changed for the best since I landed and immigrated to Australia and hopefully yours too. Come, you'll love living and working here and I can assure you that you will have no problem with racism. If one day you go for a job interview and you happen to not get a job, it's not because of your race, but it might be because you don't fit the job or someone else has a better skills :-)).  There isn't racism at all.  

    Good luck mate :-)!

  3. You should not receive any worse or better treatment than any immigrant. However, I'm a bit concerned at you 'change of pace' comment. Urban areas of Australia are not that different to many areas in the US.

  4. There are good and bad in all races and creeds. Racism here is fairly upfront. But it is a truely multicultural environment. In cities ethnic groups are fairly prominent, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Discrimination in the workplace is something that is not tolerated in Australia. Being middle eastern identifies yourself with a group that is increasingly getting negative press.

  5. Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. I have lived here all my life, and dont know anyone that would think badly, or even differently, of another because of his/her race.

  6. dont worry

    it just seems that way because of the cronulla riots etc; but really we're just as racist as america or any other country

    you can come to australia without worry

    and concidering australia is soo multicultural there are probably more middle eastern people here so you wot be singled out

  7. I do think that people of middle eastern origin are having a hard time in Australia at present.

    Many people are suspicious of them .

    Unfortunately you would probably run into difficulties.

  8. I would rather live in the US.

  9. It is illegal in Australia to discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, s*x, sexuality or age.  It is also illegal to encourage discrimination  or to vilify people on those grounds. You will find that most Australians are happy with people from all different countries. While there is some racism in Australia (there is anywhere) the antagonism that was encouraged by the previous government towards middle eastern people has diminished substantially since Little Johnny and his pals were thrown out.

    You should have a great time over here.

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