
I am watching Anderson Cooper and he is interviewing the Trooper Wooten who said Sarah Palin used ?

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her power to have him fired? IS this worth investigating, or is this more of the Democratic smear campaign of Sarah Palin?




  1. He deserved to be fired.

  2. I bet if Sarah Palin was a Democrat it would be worth investigating. You know it has become "normal" for republicans to be involved in scandal and corruption. They even reward it by naming you V.P. Candidate.

  3. Here are a few questions to help you:

    1.) Does it have anything to do with her being governor?

    2.) Was there an abuse of power?

    3.) Didn't Republicans boast of her "executive experience" as governor as being superior to all the candidates - including McCain?

    4.) Is the post Palin running for an executive one?

    5.) If "experience" is what's important, shouldn't we look at how she handled herself in an executive position before? Isn't that the "experience" the Republicans were touting as their "trump card"?

    6.) Is anyone running for VP naive to think that her public performance as an official will not be scrutinized?

    These should be sufficient in answering your question "Is it worth investigating?"

  4. *yawns*  Just MORE Dem c**p.

  5. irrelevant

  6. Its totally relevant!! Don't you want to know if she used her power illegally?

  7. She welcomed the investigation because she knows she has nothing to hide.

  8. This is actually a stroke of luck for Republicans because this investigation is supposed to wrap up in mid-October and will make her look like a hero no matter which way it turns out.

    At the very worst, they could decide she used the power of her office to get a police officer fired who

    --drove his state cruiser while drunk

    --tasered his 10-year-old stepson

    --made physical threats against the sitting governor and one of her children

    --admits guilt to a multitude of actions for which he received official reprimands

    The only reason the guy still had a job when she became governor is because of the power of the police union.

    Palin denies knowledge of the effort to get the officer (who happens to be her former brother-in-law) fired.  But even if she did it herself---GOOD FOR HER.  People won't blame her a bit and will consider her a hero for it.

    There's a section of links on to:

    --The "Get Sarah Palin on Oprah" petition and website

    --The page where you can buy her biography

    --The Anchorage newspaper's biography of her

    --The blog that has followed her career

    --The local Anchorage news outlets that cover her, which have more info on the ongoing investigation

    --Other Sarah Barracuda-related sites

  9. Anytime there is an abuse of power by government it should be investigated. I don't care if the person being investigated is Republican or Democrat or Independent. The fact is that these people are there to serve the American public not use the power to settle personal issues.

    I'm not say that's what she did.

    Or don't you think that with the power they wield they should not be looked at when improprieties occur?

  10. It's worth investigating, right is right and wrong is wrong, and you know deep down inside she did.....why would he make this up?

  11. I hate cops that beat and abuse their women and children, too bad she didn't have him deep sixed in the Bering Sea.

  12. It's being investigated and Palin has been trying to get the investigation to be set to end before the election so Americans can know the truth.

  13. Trooper Wooten was Palin's brother-in-law.  When Wooten was divorcing his wife, he supposedly tasered her young son and did a number of violent actions that don't seem right in a police officer.  

  14. It is worth investigating - but the results of the investigation should be reported fairly. My guess is no one will be able to prove any wrongdoing by Gov Palin and it will never get reported.

  15. You wont know until you investigate it now will ya?

  16. You need to know to after all a few of you all think Palin and McCain is good for the country, open your eyes and see they are just the same as the Bush Administration.  America, does not need 4 more years of the last 8.  You will see on November 4, 2008.  An Historical Day.  Watch the turnout for Obama/Biden in 08.  White people are no longer the majority, never really was.  

  17. Do you know the other part of the story.  Palin has delayed the investigation and hearing into Trooper Gate, when she fired Alaska's Safety Commissioner for not firing her ex-brother-in-law. If she were innocent she would let the process run its own course, but she filed an ethics violation in another department against herself to delay the hearing by tying it up in the another department. Why would she do this if she were innocent? She has a history of trying to fire people who didn't do what wanted when she wanted. There is a name for such people, fascist dictator.

    Today, the investigators are proceeding and moved up the date for it in early October.  The other people who are directly linked to Palin and indicted in this case had to be subpoenaed to testify after they refused.  Let the hearing determine if there is a case at all.

  18. its a load of bs...thats it

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