
I am wondering. When looking at p**n pictures can i save the once i like? thanks?

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I am wondering. When looking at p**n pictures can i save the once i like? thanks?




  1. If the pictures you are looking at are legal, meaning they do not violate your state laws, then yes it is legal. However, if you have ANY pictures that violate your state laws, then your computer can be confiscated and you will be charged for each picture that is in violation. Also, do not re-post the pictures, that may violate copyright laws.  

  2. No that's illegal.  If you've already done it you better turn yourself in.  

    Don't let them catch you with your pants down.

  3. I don't think it matters just don't do it on your parents/friends computer =)

  4. YES ABSOLUTELY, you can save the pictures you like once you entered a free zone area, after viewing it one by one and choose the one you like then save it in one file, just follow the direction of saving portion and put them all in one file, if you have one USB then put them all there. Make sure your USB is 2 or 4 MB for much more picture to save.

    WHO SAYS you can't because it is against State law etchetera etchetera, this is none sense. Can the government monitor 12 million people in one given time? The simply answer is they can't. Besides this is just pictures, pictures of naked women not terrorist.  

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