
I am wondering about people who want to purchase meat where there is no animal cruelty?

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I love this question. People want to purchase meat where there isn't animal cruelty. Give me a break. I am proud to say that I am a vegan. If animals are being killed so that you can have meat to eat than that is animal cruelty. Why do people think that there is meat they can eat where animals weren't treated cruelly?




  1. That's like me going up to someone who's had a wonderful life and then slaughtering them. Is that not cruel?

  2. Some people would rather be in the dark.  They would prefer to not know what the animals go through.  They make excuse after excuse.  Oh and by the way to the person who said kosher meat is cruelty free:  It isn't.  Sometimes it's worse.

  3. What is cruelty in ones eyes is just the way life is in anothers eyes.

  4. I am not a vegetarian, and I DO eat meat.

    But just because I eat meat (which God created for us to eat) does not mean I am a cruel and vicious person.

    I care very much about animals, and I think any animals slaughtered for food should be killed in the most humane ways possible, and I support any loaws/actions that will ensure that.

    Do you ever wonder how the cow whose leather you are wearing on your feet or carrying as a purse was slaughtered?

  5. I am a vegetarian. But, I know that Kosher meat is when the animals were killed painlessly, meaning they didn't suffer. Its still cruel to kill them but, people who see nothing wrong with ending their life, feel better that it was done painlessly.

  6. I am veggie, but I don't sit there and critisize those who eat meat. And by the way, there are farms, that kill humanely and do not inject any steroids or anything. I'm not saying that everyone in the world pays attention to what they eat and how it was killed, but some do. And neither you nor I have a right to critisize people for what they eat. It's their decision.

    And btw....Kosher has nothing to do with how the animal was killed

  7. Well, plenty of people, myself included, don't think it's wrong to kill an animal for food. Instead, they take issue with the fact that in the mass meat industry, animals are treated as products rather than the sentient beings that they are. By definition, cruelty is something that causes pain and suffering. Death is not the same. It is entirely possible to have a pain-free death. It is entirely possible for death to happen without suffering.

    To me, it's rather simplistic to take issue only with the actual death. When you have people with that attitude, they wind up buying eggs that come from battery hens. While eggs don't directly result in the death of a hen (we don't do Cesareans), the conditions in which these birds live are horrible. On the other hand, you have people who risk an all-or-nothing attitude that can be very sanctimonious and alienating.

    In a sentence, I believe that cruelty and suffering have more to do with the quality of life and the experience that an animal (be it human or not) has rather than the fact that that life ends. If a person or animal is unaware, they can't suffer.

    It's kind of funny to think about, isn't it? It's so very obvious for people on both sides of the debate. If an animal is totally unaware of its life ending, did it suffer? If an animal dies of old age in its sleep, does it suffer? I don't know. You don't know. But when I think about the way that I'd like to die, I know that I'd to not be aware of the fact that it was happening.

    Just my thoughts. I think that if a person is concerned about the way animals are treated, then it's great for them to support farmers and stores that have high standards. Most people who eat meat don't give it a second thought and wouldn't be willing to pay the higher price. More power to those who are.

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