
I am wondering how sucessfull stem cell treatment is in treating children with cerbral pasley?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter was born at 28 weeks and suffered alot of complactions as a result at the time. we were encourged to turn off her ventalor at the time as she was to have no standard of life. we could not do that.

she is now 9years old and as bright as a button. she has cerbralpasley which effects her lower limbs and right arm. she walks with 2 tripod sticks, has a kay walker and only recently had to get a wheelchair for longer distance which has caused alot of stress to her and me. she also has hydrocaphleus for which she has a shunt in.

she attends main streem school and is as bright as a button, her biggest problem is her walk. is there any where in ireland that stem cell treatment is available , there is such a fine thread between where she is and could be, even her pediatric docter says that now.

i have done alot of research on this subject, is there anyone in a similar sictuation

many thanks for any help




  1. Clinical trials involving stem cells for cerebral palsy have not even started yet.

  2. I'm afraid that the science simply isn't that advanced yet.  It's certainly far from being ready to try on humans.

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