
I am wondering if I can collect arrears for unpaid child support for my now 20 year old daughter.?

by Guest44968  |  earlier

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I am wondering if I can collect arrears for unpaid child support for my now 20 year old daughter.?




  1. NO.

  2. Child support that was ordered in the past, that was never paid has no statute of limitations.  It will be collectable until it is paid off in full.  The only difference is that the balance isn't getting any bigger now, since the current obligation is done.  But anything that has built up in the past is still due & collectable.  He'll be paying child support until that balance is zero, period.  Your daughter could be 40 with grand-children of her own.  But if he has a back balance, it is still due.

  3. that is possible! It depends on your state law.

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