
I am wondering if he still cares? ?

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One of my best friends and I have made a bet that we can go for 2 weeks without speaking to each other. Normally we talk 3-5 hours per day. When I look back on our bet, I wonder if this was just his way to get rid of me. He made the statement that I could not go that long without talking to him, knowing that I would take him up on it. Is he tired of me? Earlier this week, he told me I was to dramatic for him, but he has also said he loves me very much. I don't know what to think?




  1. Just wait and see what happens once these 2 weeks are up. If he doesn't talk to you after these two weeks, then you'll know he wasn't the friend you thought he was.

  2. Translated he is saying that, "you are to dramatic for him to love you". This going without talking is like saying, "let's take a break from each other". By saying that he thinks "you could not go that long without talking to him" like saying, you talk to much. Maybe he is running out of things to talk about. 3-5 hours a day is ALOT of talking. Self control on YOUR part will win THIS bet. I believe there is a lesson to be learned here.  

  3. He is testing you. He either has a big crush on you or already loves you, but he is too shy to say it and he fears it would compromise the friendship you have.


    If you like him just as a friend... wait for the 2 weeks to pass, and no matter what, don't call. That way he'll understand you just want be his friend.

    He'll be hurt for awhile but he'll be okay

    If you also want him to be something more... call him every 3 days (just once) and in the end of the day but don't speak. Maybe to his cell, so he knows its you. When he answers, hang up the phone. If he calls you don't answer.

    You'll drive him nuts.

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