
I am wondering if other women have experienced a high s*x drive?

by  |  earlier

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It is to the point that i am miserable. My husband and I can't have s*x as often as I need and would like, and we play around alot, like texting and stuff, which I love, but then I am MISERABLE all day. I do m********e, however, that has gotten quite old. I am wondering if any suggestions on how to curb this. I have read about wellbutrin for depression, and that it will curb s*x drive as well..but i literally get to the point of crying and frustration beyond belief. I don't know what to do, and I don't know what is wrong with me. Any suggestions?




  1. get a substitute ,

  2. there's probably nothing wrong with you so women have higher s*x drives than others, you could try switching up the masturbation techniques so you arent as bored, or get a new s*x toy, or you can try and have more s*x with your husband if possible

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