
I am wondering what kind Of bird I should get?

by Guest10867  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a small kind. One that has a good temperament, and doesn't live over 15 years when cared well for. I was thinking budgies, but I don't know that much about them, and other then those I have no Idea what to look for. Please help!!

Thanks in advance




  1. a parakeet is your best bet.  a male parakeet can even learn a few words or be taught to whistle.  look for blue above the beak where the nostirls are, beige or brown would indicate a female who are less likely to talk or whistle.

  2. Many birds can be very long lived.  I have a Rainbow Lory that's over 30 years old.  If you're not prepared to take care of it past 15 years, better not chance getting one........

  3. well, I always say budgies but another small sized one is a finch.  

  4. dont buy a parakeet there the most stubborn birds on earth ive tried to train mine 4 times a week every week since february i advise you to buy a parrot or love birds there so cute

  5. try a parakeet.

  6. I say you should look at the following options.

    Budgies (AKA Parakeets)

    Temperament: Gentle and docile. Easy to tame if acquired at a young age. Playful and active, and require lots of attention.

    Life Span: 10-15 years (MAXIMUM 20)

    Other Info: It is ok to get budgies in pairs, but they will not become as attached to you if they have a partner to hang with 24/7. They also are quieter than most birds and can lear to talk a little bit.


    Temperament: Very active and social. Should be kept in pairs. Not as social towards their owners as budgies, though.

    Life Span: About the same as budgies, if not shorter.

    Other Info: Finches are more of an animal-to-animal bird rather than an animal-to-owner bird.

    I really hope this helps you making your decision.


  7. otus owl or Peregrine falcon

  8. you can expect people to choose for you without providing details, hence if you have time to give to a bird then get a cockatiel,lovebird or parrotlet small cute but usually live10-20yrs. If you dont have time get canary,finch budgie they live around 7-10yrs and require little attention.  

  9. Parakeet :)

  10. You should probably get a budgie (also know as a parakeet). I used to have two. If they're comfortable enough around you, you can take them out of their cage and play with them. My budgies were like this. One of  them would make kissing noises. Like someone said above they'll whistle and learn to imitate some noises. If you want a bird that talks a lot, you should get a parrot which is a lot more expensive and need more attention. (I bet you probably don't want to do this.) I got my green quaker parrot who is super clingy, noisy, and talkative for a little less than two hundred dollars. Also, finches and canaries are small birds you may like. There are also english budgies that are a little bigger than regular budgies. I think regular budgies are the best birds for you though.

  11. I would recommend budgies or canaries.

    If you want a close relationship to form and to have a good trainable bird, go for the budgie. This is also if you have enough time to spend every day with him/her.

    If you want a bird that doesnt need your attention as much and is more too watch, then i would choose a canary. They are beautiful and males are amazing singers.

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