
I am wondering what month/season should I get married?

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I just recently got engaged (7/25) to the man of my future and life. We plan to get married sometime in 2009, but what season/month we should wed?

My mom said Summer or Fall.

August - October is the best time.

What do everyone else think?




  1. I love fall so I am getting married in October.  The fall colors are great too so I would always recommend that month.  

  2. you should get married on september 9th so it will be 9/9/09

  3. October is a good choice. Maybe instead of flower petals, your flower girl could throw out different colored leaves!

  4. I got married October 26 th the first time. The weather was absolutely beautiful . Cool in the morning , perfect in the afternoon and cool at night.  

    The second time I got married May 28th.  The same thing.  I could not have asked for better wedding days.   (we just celebrated 22 years)

    But it really depends on where you live.  

    August is to hot here.  Awful !

  5. First decide on where you want to have your wedding and what colors you want to work with.  If you like pastels you can do a spring or summer wedding...warm colors could be for fall and cooler colors for winter...just for example.  Also what kind of wedding dress are you planning on wearing?   Do you like strapless or long sleeve?  Another thing to help make the decision is where are you going on your honeymoon?  Sometimes certain times of the year can be bad or disastrous like hurricane season or even a rainy season in different areas of the world.  I personally would like a summer or fall wedding.  Lots of people get married in the summer though if you don't like being mainstream. Congratulations! I hope this helped.  

  6. i like spring or fall  

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