
I am wondering why is it that most protestant ministers seem to be yelling at their congregation?

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No offense intended here I just don't understand why this is done. Also why do they always seem to be a bit negative in their preaching? Could someone explain about this please?




  1. That is not the case at all.

    I'd say many Pentecostals do this and Baptist but not the others.


  2. I am curious which denominations of churches you have attended.  And the race or ethnic background of the preacher.

    I've been to some churches where the preacher is always yelling and I'm not sure why.  Maybe this is a carry over from the days before PA systems existed.

    I know that when I preach and I get excited about things I often talk loud but I don't yell.

    I find that black preachers tend to yell more than white preachers.

    I don't know why.

    I am a white preacher, by the way.

  3. Wow, one respondent says that yelling means being filled with the Spirit.

    Don't know about anyone else, but being filled with the Spirit tends to leave me completely unable to do anything except for a steady stream of prayer, and definitely not at the top of my lungs.

    (Yeah, we do know about that sort of thing.)

  4. Whats the matter with it?  My pastor gets loud, but he's not negative in any way, he just preaches the whole Word of God.

  5. It is called being filled with the Spirit, but then you guys wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

  6. (Isa 58:1) "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."

    This is the reason why they do this.

  7. I don't know, but I've noticed that too. Not just on tv, but any time I've been invited to one of their services.  The really freaky ones are where the parishioners are interjecting their own comments of praise the Lord and hallelujah and other phrases.  It takes away from what the minister is saying, and it seems to be a competition with who can be the loudest and holiest.......  Shaking head (yes, I've been a visitor to a church where the above did happen).  I wonder, are they trying to pull their own guilt trips, or just frighten the h**l out of people?  I could go into some stand up comedy on this (yes I'm a christian but if you can't make fun of yourself, who can you make fun of) but I'd probably get drug into the middle of the forum and stoned for it.

  8. Maybe you are not looking at the right ones

    Ever watch D James Kennedy deliver a message?

    He died last year- but there are many videos of him.

    Take a look at him--he is so soft spoken.

  9. I have seen that. I was raised Catholic and went to church with a Pentecostal friend of mine. That was a shock to say the least. I was used to a nice calm Mass and all the yelling and rolling around on the floor speaking in tongues freaked me out. I also went to a Southern Baptist church with my sister in law and the pastor there was quite loud. I can't explain it either. Back then I thought "you don't have to yell for God to hear you"

  10. They speak with conviction and passion, so sometimes that may be perceived as yelling.  I don't know why you feel their preaching is negative.  It's not like that in the churches I have gone to.  Maybe they are legalistic?  Don't drink, smoke, etc.  Is that what you mean?

  11. Style mostly.  The other main thing is they have nothing in the way of Bible truth to offer.  You know the old saying,  "If you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance, baffle them with BS."

  12. Being that you can only go as far as you're taught I think some very well meaning preachers have simply been taught wrong, so they yell because they were yelled at. It's sad, isn't it? We should pray for them...

  13. thats called fire and brimstone....Methodist arent doing it!!

  14. And they get all sweaty, and keep wiping their faces with a drenched cloth, and then without washing their hands reach out to greet people.


    Someone they admire started the whole shouting thing, and everyone tries to imitate them. It's just like the way almost everyone being interviewed on TV goes "uhmm.... uhm...." unnecessarily, just coz they seen others doing that.

  15. Nothing strange, and it's not hateful yelling. When you preach the word of God you tend to get on a roll. Just like if I was to keep going on this post I would eventually turn on the caps lock key for effect. And the preaching is not negative all the time. In fact, I find going to church uplifting and it refreshes me. However, we don't just go there to feel good about ourselves. Sometimes we need another person there pointing it out to confront our own sin.  

  16. It's not to keep them awake, I'm sure.

  17. Many people think that a higher volume and/or angry tone increases the validitity of what they are saying.

  18. I am neither Catholic nor protestant, I am a Christian that tries to the best of my ability to follow the Bible.  I do not hear ministers in the church yelling at the congregation.  Where have you been?  I suggest you not go there and follow the Bible with Bible only teachers.

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