
I am working as a play school teacher.I want to know about play group activities.?

by  |  earlier

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I am working in an environment which is very stagnant. Teachers donot want to experiment much. I want to know about the introduction of pre number concepts and alphabets to be introduced to the beginners.




  1. If they are old enough, try the "Mother May I" game.  They line up in a line and you stand how ever far away from you that you want. Each child says "mother may I take 2 or whatever number giant steps, or baby steps or hops towards you. Say either yes, or say no, but you may take "X" amount of steps. They keep doing this until they reach you. It is a good way to introduce them into counting.

    Get colorful charts with numbers and alphabet letters and go over them everyday.

    Have a "special letter" day. What ever that letter is, have the child bring something that starts with that letter to show the class.


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