
I am working on a SOCIOLOGY project and need resources on welfare?

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For the project I have an income of about $7000 and I have to budget, who can I contact to get information on services? My "family" has one 2 year old and the wife is not employed. Answers???




  1. The Unemployment Office, welfare.

  2. well miss stephanie... first i would say that your "family" needs to step back and reevaluate their life situation.  is there anywhere the husband can work where he can make more money?  perhaps a factory or custodian?  i would contact welfare services in your county...  maybe see if there are any listing for some gov't help in the yellow pages??  maybe a health center... living on that type of money, the family probably has those creepy long legged, fast as lightening caterpillars in there house... which cannot be healthy for a young 2 year old that is walking around.

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