
I am working on my second marriage my boyfriend has never been married. is it ok to have 2 big weddings?

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He doesn't think I should have another big wedding the first wedding had 130 guests so not huge but respectful. I don't know the etiquette of second weddings. Someone please help!!!!!!




  1. do you really want a big wedding again new beginnings and all y not talk to him see what he wants and met half way good luck

  2. Traditionally the bride's second wedding is supposed to be small. Like a dozen or two.  Emily Post would probably worry that if you had a big second wedding people woud think you were fishing for gifts and you already got yours.

  3. maybe you and your boyfriend can compromise. talk to him and find out what he would like to have at the wedding, and be sure to share with him what you would like to have. Maybe you wont have as many people as last time, but maybe, in return you get that not-so-cheap wedding dress youve had your eye on.

    Good luck and congrats!!


  4. 130 guests is not considered a big wedding, 250+ is.  so considering he is shying away from even 100 guests, it seems like he really wants a small wedding.  if u are ok with it, then just do like 30 close guests.

  5. No, you two just plan something understated, but still lovely. A ceremony and small reception for family and closer friends.

    I'm going to a second wedding in a few weeks - they are having the ceremony at a church, then a champagne lunch for about 50.

    The other second wedding I was at - they had it in their backyard, both the ceremony and dinner.

  6. It sounds like he doesn't want a big wedding.  You can have a bunch of people without having the huge white dress and all the fancy trimmings.  Just have a simple dress and decorations then have a party.

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