
I am worried. I have all these things going on at once and don't know what's going on!

by  |  earlier

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I have the merina Iud. I ahve had it since November 2007. for about 2 months I have had the constant feeling of being sick to the stomach, then latley I have felt bloated, had swollen feet, headaches, and been really tired. I have no clue whats going on. I also have pains in my lower stomach all the time. Does anyone have any advice on what could be going on? If so please tell me!




  1. why have you put up with it for so long. get to the dr.  

  2. could be pregnant

    could be mono

    could be that time of the month coupled with anemia

    could be a cyst on a ovary

    could be bad circulation

    It could be a lot of things I suggest you see your doctor  

  3. Sorry I dont have a clue what is going on but I suggest you go to your GYN soon.  Good luck hope you feel better

  4. i would call your doctor & also look up the side effects. I had the iud paraguard but never had problems like that. Have yuo taken a pregnancy test? I know its a slim chance but you might want to check. sorry i couldn't help more, but i would definietly call your doc.

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