
I am worried about my cats strange behavior hopefully someone can help!!!?

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I have just moved with my cat into a new apartment two days ago. My cat is 2yrs old and acted a little skittish the first 2 hrs ( hid under the bed ect. Also I moved the furniture first and then moved the cat.) Anyway, he was acting fine a little more skittish then usual though he was eating, used the litter box and drinking normally till this morning. I woke up to him vomitting(no food, just mellow-yellow bile spit up). I found it quite strange but then watched him through the day. He shows no actions of eating drinking or using the litter box. He has also vomitted earlier this evening. He is responsive to all my actions, but he is just staying in the same room on the bed sleeping, or staring as if confused. I tried to get him to drink/eat, but he seems he doesnt want to be botherd. I will say, the only time he has ever acted this weird before...was 1ish yr ago he was constipated had the same actions and i took him to the vet and they charged me $288.00 to give him a (kitty enima). He was fine in 2hrs. So, if anyone can please help me! I cant afford another two hundred eitghty-eight dollars for a constipated cat, but I wont let him go another day without food and water. Any advice PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Thanks, Danielle




  1. He's fine, he's just getting used to his new surroundings and is very scared, let him adjust  

  2. I think it sounds like your new apartment might have been treated by a pest control company and the insecticide is affecting your cat, some of it can be deadly to the vet tomorrow and ask them

    and ask your landlord not to spray your apt anymore

  3. well one thing i can tell you is look to see if his gums are pale looking or if they are pink. if they look kinda white he is dehydrated and would need to see a vet for an IV. he could be worked up from the move but i hope hes not in shock. i would watch him very closely in the next day.

    sorry i cant be much help

  4. Hmmm. Well, always have fresh food and water available to your cat. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry.  

  5. it sounds like it could be parvo..if cats get that? my dog got those symptoms and died the day after i took him to the may be more serious than constipation so I would suggest you take him to the vet quickly.

  6. Well if you surrounding environment changed drastically he might need to adapt for a while for example one day your in the tropics then you up north in the cold.

  7. My sister just moved a few weeks ago and her cat hid for 5 or 6 days nobody saw her. When she did come out, she was getting sick from not eating or drinking the way she used to. Now s may sound odd but she went and bought a small baby bottle and some cat milk at the store and hand fed the cat. The cat took it and in a few days she was back to normal. Alot of cats get stressed when they move but in time they get better. I really hope yours does. Good luck.

  8. Well it sounds as though you cat is suffering from some anxiety and it will pass with time - if your cat will allow you to hold him then try taking him from room to room in your arms while petting him in the way he likes the best as if you were at you old place and you were just setting around petting him. Taking him room to room and showing him that there isn't anything that will harm him will relax him enough to explore his surroundings on his own which will relieve his fear of the unknown. I had a tom cat once that was an outside cat and when I moved he would disappear for about 3-4 days then he would return calm and content with the surroundings - I think that he might of been looking for a place he could go hide from anything that might come to harm him and he wasn't familiar with where he could seek safety!  And I do know that outside cats eat grass to relieve constipation and upset stomach so if you could take him out when he gets constipated so that he can do this natural laxative it would save you that money for the vet to give him an e***a. I hope this helps you out a bit - but he is nervous of the change and needs to know that he is safe when you do take him around leave all the doors inside open so that he can explore every inch of the place so he knows his surroundings well enough to not to fear them. Good luck with this matter and I sympothize with your cat and your worry.I wish you 2 the best in your new home.  

  9. first off, not drinking nor eating is not a very good sign. the one response given about checking the gums is correct. the parvo one is not. cats do not get parvo. most cats adjust very well to their new surrounding. i, too, believe the cat might have gotten poisoned some how. if he still hasn't eaten anything tomorrow, i would highly suggest taking him to the vet.

  10. It does sound like your new place was treated by an exterminating company and the cat has somehow come in contact with the poison. Exterminators usually just spray around the baseboards in each room. Check the cats gums. Do they look pink or a bit white? White is not good. Take your cat to the vet ASAP. Oh, $288 for an e***a is way out of line.

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