I have just moved with my cat into a new apartment two days ago. My cat is 2yrs old and acted a little skittish the first 2 hrs ( hid under the bed ect. Also I moved the furniture first and then moved the cat.) Anyway, he was acting fine a little more skittish then usual though he was eating, used the litter box and drinking normally till this morning. I woke up to him vomitting(no food, just mellow-yellow bile spit up). I found it quite strange but then watched him through the day. He shows no actions of eating drinking or using the litter box. He has also vomitted earlier this evening. He is responsive to all my actions, but he is just staying in the same room on the bed sleeping, or staring as if confused. I tried to get him to drink/eat, but he seems he doesnt want to be botherd. I will say, the only time he has ever acted this weird before...was 1ish yr ago he was constipated had the same actions and i took him to the vet and they charged me $288.00 to give him a (kitty enima). He was fine in 2hrs. So, if anyone can please help me! I cant afford another two hundred eitghty-eight dollars for a constipated cat, but I wont let him go another day without food and water. Any advice PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Thanks, Danielle