
I am worried about my son. He has not returned from Indian the day he should've

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My son went away on a gap year to India. We kept in contact via e-mail and he would also give the occasional call although at £1.50 a minute we could not speak for long. Anyway he was due to return on 1th August. On 29rd July he did not get in contact and I e-mailed him to ask him if everything was O.K. I then phoned him but there was no answer. On 1st August he was supposed to return home but it has been almost two weeks and we have heard nothing. He is never online on his msn,he is not answering his british mobile phone and his Australian mobile is going straight to voicemail. What could have happened? We can't afford to travel over there? What should we do?




  1. i would try to get ahold of the local authorities there where he is and tell them the situation. they will likely look into it for you.

  2. Try and contact the police of india ,

    they will look into it for you most likely .

    You can probably find an E- mail and a phone number on the internet ,

    or i'm sure you could call the police in your City and they will contact the people in India for you , or give you the right number to reach them .

    Good Luck   : ) .  

  3. if ur in the uk contact the foreign office or the nearest british consulate to where he was last nown. if ur not british then contact yr own consulate nearest to where u know he was last. sorry to hear this and hopefully he is ok and just somewhere that he hasnt been able to communicate and has changed his flight. thoughts are with u.

  4. I am not sure where you live or how old your son is but i would call police and get them kind of sounds serious, this is your son...get him some help and try to find him--good luckand i hope he is ok

  5. he could of got stamped  by elephant theres loads of them in india

  6. I am almost as concerned as you are. I would be frantic if I were you.

    There are plenty of things that could have happened to him. Call the proper authorities. If you would like to see him, set up a small organization that allows people to donate money so you can fly there. I would help but I am only 13. If you set up a web site, please let me know.

    Best of luck!!!!!

  7. it's really sad that you feel that you have to come on here and make up a story like this to make yourself feel important and/or interesting.  everyone needs to read your compulsive liar question and stop worrying about you "son" in India.  most likely you don't even have any kids...especially if you are going to a university and talk about how fashionable/popular you are.  please stop wasting everyones time and stop begging for attention.

  8. Get in touch with the proper authorities immediately.

  9. sorry to hear about that has he gone away with anyone else that maybe you could get in contact with there parents and find out? could you contact any were where he was staying? keep trying his mobiles don't give up i wish i could help you further my prayers are with you hope your son comes home safe! if hes not back by another 2 weeks try going to higher authorities and see weather there is anything they are able to do for you god bless you!

  10. Well it must be rather worrying for you. You should try to find out who he went with, where he stayed and any contacts he has. Then if you cannot get any clues or answers to where he might be, you should go to your local police station and report him as missing.

    Do you know where he stayed or who with? If he was in a hotel then maybe they can help.

    I'm guessing he's around 17 years old so may easily have got side tracked but I would have thought he would have contacted you.

  11. contact the UN in India to send a search party. 2 weeks missing something is not right, who have you contacted in regards to this? oh wait, you're a troll nevermind.

  12. I would contact the American Embassy over there as well as the authorites near your own home. Explain what has been going on. they should be able to help and point you in the right direction. I think traveling there would be a mistake since you have no real idea where he could be. Wait till someone says, Get on a plane. My thoughts are with you. Let us know what happens

  13. pray. thats all you can really do :/


  14. have you contacted your own local police, they would be able to advise you best who the best authurities in India are to contact,,also the British Embassy,,,,if you have not had any contact with him in two weeks and this is really unusual for him,,then you need to report it,,i would not wait another day before informing the authorities,,where he was calling and e-mailing from last can be traced,and the authorities in that area inforned asap,,,,,please let us know,,,when you hear from your son,,he might have got delayed of his phone lost or stolen,,,but the police need to know of your concern right away

    ADD-TO  00 sioux  WOW just read your link,,to this poster,,this is horrible,what an awful thing to lie about,,

  15. You Can call the police and tell them that you haven't heard of him. And that he was suppose to be there by August 1st but he hasn't return and you haven't had contact with him.Because something might of happen to him.And they will help you see if he's ok. And pray. I hope he's ok and he returns home safe. =]

  16. Ignore the idiots that leave there answers on here!

    If he has traveled with some friends then i would try and contact them.  If you can't contact them in person then try their parents they may have different information to you and know what is going on.

    You could also call the airline he was suppose to travel back with and ask if he actually turned up for the flight. If they say he didn't then i would try and phone the hotels or hostels he was staying out to try and find where abouts he is.

    Alternatively you could just call the police...

    good luck! I am sure that there is nothing to worry about


  17. I really don't think anyone on Answers would know what has happened to him. Contact the police.

  18. Please keep yourself calm, i'm sure that there is a good reason why your contact methods to your son have failed but just to be sure may i suggest you contact the indian consulate in london and i'm certain they can help you trace the where abouts of your son.

  19. Contact the local authorities.

    He's probably fine, but he might be in trouble.

    Check into it.

    They'll locate him and you'll probably find that he just got distracted and didn't come home on time....

  20. call your embassy in india

  21. Get in contact with the local authorities and try to see what could've happened to him.  

  22. You need to raise the money for one of you to travel there and retrace his steps. Can you get in touch with the organization he might have worked for or studied with for his gap year? I am not sure what the Indian authorities will do. You should also get in touch with the British or Australian consulate (whichever citizenship he has) there and see what they can do. Obviously he had a traveler's visa which will run out sometime.

    Get in touch with the consulate immediately. If no one answers call them at open of business in India Monday Morning.

    I am sorry this is happening. You must be frantic. Hopefully he simply got diverted on a side trip and will be back in touch soon.

  23. As your a compulsive liar I hope this is .If not get on to the Indian Embassy

  24. If you are serious about this then you really need to call the proper authorities about it, even if you have them trace his cell phone, if he was due to come home and never did, and you cannot get a hold of him then you need to call the USA Embassy where he was supposed to be and tell them that, they have an American citizen missing, if your American that is. Good Luck, hopefully it was just a miss understanding.....

  25. Call 9-11 and they'll get you in touch with people that can help you.

    If you're not lying, that is.

    Good job to the person that said she told us she was a compulsive liar.

  26. How old is your son?

  27. Remember that time you told us all you are a compulsive liar?

  28. Perhaps he's had an accident or been arrested.

    Phone the British Consulate in India and ask them to make enquiries for you.

    Try the foreign office for the phone no.

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