
I am worried coz i am measuring big at 33 weeks? What should i expect? Please help!?

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Last week my doctor said my baby is measuring big. I had ultrasound scheduled for today. Today I am 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Baby weighed 5.7 pounds approx. What should I expect in the coming weeks? Its definitely above average. I dont have GD, my tests came all normal.... I am just worried and dont know what to expect. Please help and share your experiences.





  1. Don't worry about it, especially if it's a boy because they do tend to be a little bigger and weigh more than baby girls. It's great that you don't have gestational diabetes. You'd have to ask your female relatives and your child's father's relatives about how much you and he weighed at birth. These things are genetic. If either of you weighed between 7 and 8lbs. or more, then it's normal for you. Just become something isn't common to everyone doesn't mean that it's not normal and vice versa. It may be normal within your families. You shouldn't worry until the Dr. tells you that there's something to worry about. Good luck with everything.  

  2. You don't have anything to worry about, but as far as what to expect; expect a large baby. In the last weeks of pregnancy your baby gains 1/4-1/2 a pound a week. My Dr told me this will depend on genetics and how I eat. If I eat terribly, eat fast food and so on, my baby will gain weigh faster. I didn't know this, I thought it was kinda predestined what my baby was going to weight, but apparently we have a little bit of control on that. So eat your fruits, veggies and protein and enjoy the rest of your healthy pregnancy!

    BTW, I am 37weeks 4days

  3. I was measuring big for my time frame. The Dr said at 34 wks they thought the baby was 8 lbs! And they wanted to keep watching me so she didn't get too big and I may need a c-section. Well it turns out she weighed 5lbs 13oz at birth! So I wouldn't stress about it. Good luck!

  4. Your ultrasound results are always always sent to your OB and OB's always look them over to confirm that everything is normal.  If your OB is not worried, you don't have reason to worry either.  Sometimes babies are just big.  I would also not worry too much about pre-term delivery. You are close enough that a) there's only five weeks until you're considered full-term, and b) your child would almost definitely survive if you did go into labor now.  It could just mean that your baby wont gain as much in the next few weeks as other babies do, 'cause it got all its growing done really fast!

    If you or your partner were big children or have a history of big babies in your family, that could be why but it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or the baby.

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