
I am worried my credit score will hinder a job search. I am in a post-divorce financial nightmare. Is it true?

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Finances are bleak, barely making it on one salary, no assets to further liquidate, no child support/ex not working. I have a decent job, but no opportunity for advancement...and my credit score is now in the dumper. I am a mid-level executive, possibly looking for a comparable job with better salary, but am sure my credit score will exclude me from many jobs. Help. Do potential employers really exclude someone based on their credit score/history? There are extenuating circumstances.




  1. I don't think a lot of jobs even look at your credit score unless you're going to be working with money, etc.  If you look for another job play up your experience, your versatility and other strengths as much as possible.  The "extenuating circumstances" in regard to your credit score, like the rest of your personal situation, are not appropriate to mention in a job interview or in a business situation at any time really.  Your credit score is what it is, so you'll have to concentrate on emphasizing your skills and other positives to a potential employer.

  2. Unfortunately, credit reports are the first thing that some employers review as a way of filtering candidates.  This is especially true for employers in the financing industry or if you are trying to be employed for a financial position.  While it may seem unfair, it is simply the truth.

    The good thing is that they are generally not able to see a FICO score.  They will typically see your accounts and your inquiries.  Most employers' hiring criteria based off of credit is something along the lines of "no more than 20% negative accounts".  Or, in other words, if you have 5 accounts and 4 of them are positive - you pass (though I'm sure you could've figured out the math).

    That's just an example.  If you're concerned about your score, I wouldn't be.  Be more worried about how many *negative* accounts you have :)

    Hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck. I personally am not a fan of employers running credit checks though I can see from both perspectives.

  3. yes its true and they dont care about your circumstances when 10 other applicants have a good wholesome maral credit score

  4. spunky,

    The poster "65%" is right on the money with his answer.

    Unless you are working in specific certain fields,this is really a non issue.

    good luck

  5. Credit reports that an employer obtains does not include a credit score, just accounts and inquiries.

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