The magizane gave me what storyline for me to work around and whats me to make the plot. The plot is supposingly a story that is suppose to center around a young teen who refused to help his friend with a surf competition and by a curse of a surfing sprite was transformed into a surfboard. As a board he can't move except in water and can't talk(cause he is a board) except to his surfer friend,John. For da first week he is stuck in surfboard form and can't change back, his friend has to keep him in a board bag or in the garage because his mother does not like boards in the house. Also so a board he helped John win his surf competions.
This is supposing suppose to be a funny plot, similer in ways to Shaggy Dog, Animorphs, or transformers or something like that. But for me it seems a bit strange to find a good story line for it. I don't even know how to draw a picture of a boy transforming into a surfboard, it not a werewolf or something easier to draw with arms and legs.
Plot ideas?