
I am writing a persuasive speech against universal heath care what would be some good points to use?

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I am writing a persuasive speech against universal heath care what would be some good points to use?




  1. You eliminate poverty as the poor, destitute and homeless all die off from disease and lack of medical care.

  2. Universal health care would still be run by insurance companies which would be a bad thing as insurance companies job is to not pay.

  3. It would be yet another government programme that needs to be funded, run by a congress that always seem to be able to go over budget, regardless of how large that budget is.

  4. universal healthcare would be a step towards socialism, and where is the money going to come from? The government has no money what-so-ever. All their pretty pennies come straight from the working man's pocket. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Universal healthcare may sound nice and like a really good step forward, but sit down and think for a minute. The dems just want more control. And the only control the government should really be responsible for is national security. But this day in age, the government is imbeded into too many parts of our daily lives. Why go any further?

  5. -People who work hard for their money would have to pay higher taxes so the bum down the street can get the same health care they do.

    -Socialism is prominent throughout universal health care policies.

  6. Universal health care would end up costing us all much more money than the current system. Nothing is done more efficiently by the government than it is by the private sector. Therefore, we will all end up paying more for less effective health care.

  7. There are none.

  8. So, you have to write a speech and you're on Yahoo! Answers....Stop asking random strangers on the internet and do some actual RESEARCH.

  9. - Extremely high cost compared to current system.

    - Experience in other countries has shown the quality of "universal" health care is typically less than that of the US system, with much longer wait times for routine health care.

    - Government will control what medical care people receive - which has all sorts of Orwellian implications.

    - Current HMO system, etc, is a result of Congressional actions taken in the early 1970's... most Americans are unaware of this. Those regulations certainly haven't made things any better. Much of the current high cost of health care is due compliance with government regulations & paperwork reporting & unreasonable tort laws. Making more laws is not the answer to how-to fix a problem which was initially caused by overzealous government regulation.

    - Every national health care scheme so far proposed would severely restrict or curtail an individual's freedom to make their own health care choices. For example, Hillary Clinton's proposal would have prevented Americans from choosing their own doctor. Beyond protecting public safety (preventing quack or fraud cures, etc), the government has no ethical right to restrict or limit anyone's unfettered access to health care.

    - Right to privacy. Every health care system proposed thus far in the US would make an individual citizen's health and medical information the property of the US government - and allow sharing such information between any government branch without the consent of the individual citizen.

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