
I am writing a policy for a childcare center..What do they mean by "child guidance and food" ?

by Guest56240  |  earlier

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This is something I have to include in the policy, but not sure what they mean. I live in Wisconsin and the children are toddlers. I am trying to get a Center license. Child guidance and food, is under the nutrition part.





  1. I hate to tell you this kiddo, but if you don't know this, you have no business writing policies for childcare centers.

  2. Child guidance and food refers to how you will handle children and food.  Basically, you need to state that you will offer a variety of nutritious food to the children, and if they choose not to eat them then they will NOT be punished for that.  No timeouts, criticizing, etc.  Just offer it and if they eat then they eat.  If not then they don't.  I believe that you will be asked at a different time for menus.  Good Luck!

  3. i work at a child stud center and in our parent orientation packet whe have a list of guidelines for packing healthy lunches

    suggested do's


    eggs:hardboilded,or eg salad

    cottage cheese

    tuna: small snack cans or salad

    string cheese

    low fat sliced meats:turkey,chicken,ham,beef

    yogurt,low fat

    peanut butter

    bean dip

    i hope this helps


    rice cakes

    bread sticks

    mini bagels

    whole grain crackers

    rice, cooked pasta potatoes

    quick breads: fruit or vegetable,mini muffins

    3)fruit/ veggies choices

    fresh fruit,dried(raisin,apricots,prunes)

    or canned in its own juice

    salad,green or bean

    frsh or canned veggies



    suggested don'ts

    cup of soup/nnodles

    corn dogs

    hot dogs


    happy meals

    tv dinners


    sweetened/baked goods

    high fat crackers:cheezits,ritz

    fruit roll ups


    adult high protien bars

    granola bars/snack bars


    soda regular/diet

    fruit drinks/juice less than 100%

  4. I am not trying to be ugly, but if you are serious you need to do more studying on child development and have no business opening a center.

    Child guidance can mean many things. If it means pertainig to food, it often means you help the child make healthy food choices by offerring it but do no force any child to eat any part of a meal. Also no withholding of food or using food as a reward.

    Guidance in general is what you do all day! You guide the child through the day to help emphasize and catch "teachable moments" in which you will help the child learn a developmental skill he or she needs.

    Please seek out the help of experienced child care professionals inyour area, Head Start, universities and consult the liscencing bureau if you are concerend. YOu need to know the licenscing standards INSIDE AND OUT before u open a center.

  5. I can't be sure, but "child guidance" sounds to me like it's asking if it's like a preschool or just a regular day care.  Some day cares offer education activities and others are strictly "babysitters"  They just do fun stuff with the kids to keep them busy, but don't really teach anything in preparation for kindergarten.  That's what I surmise from the terminology.

    But, then again I could be wrong.

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