
I am writing a resume and i need help! please?

by Guest44971  |  earlier

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ok i am writing this resume for an english class but it is also going to our guidance counselor to keep on record for us in the future and i have to write a "personal paragraph" telling what i can contribute in a large or small way to the life of our university... well i need suggestions cause i don't know what i want to be when i grow up or what kind of contributions can be made... i don't know what i have to offer..i am not a really out-going person. i like others to be happy. i am afraid of disappointing others. i can handle disappointment but i don't want you to go through it. i make all a's but i still don't consider myself a smart person just because i can memorize stuff for tests.. umm




  1. not tough if you break it down into manageable parts.

    Okay? Good.

    Let's start with what you know:

    You like to please others. You think of them before yourself.

    That quality places you in the giving mode, which includes the medical field, religion, social work, customer service, food and drink industry, etc.

    Next, you have a mind for recall, which would do you well in the tech industry during tests and trials, or English, either teaching or learning.

    You say you're rather introverted, but that could be a matter of your age and sense of self-assuredness at this point.

    But introverted people accomplish things TOO. This trait would hold you in good stead as a researcher, librarian and most self-employed endeavors.


    Are you an inside person or an outdoor person? What type music do you prefer to listen to? What, if anything, do you listen to while studying? Favorite colors, etc. all tell you something about yourself. Favorite subjects? Reading or writing? Analyze yourself and see what avenues are a natural fit for yourself. Pick the topic that interest you most right NOW and assume you hold that feeling for the next 20 years. That, frankly, is your resume.

    Now, begin writing. see wasn't that easy?

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