
I am writing a speech about special education and I need an attention getting sentence? Any suggestions?

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i Have completed the speech. It is an informative speech, explaining the laws, who recieves sped and also what the teachers do.




  1. How about "I am not a special needs child. I am a child with special needs".

  2. Try starting with something that will SHOCK your audience.  Something like . . .

    "Today I'm going to talk to you about RETARDS."

    Go onto explain that words like r****d and idiot used to be the correct words to describe people with disablilties.  Now, of course, these words are inappropriate and used and an insult!  This could lead to a speech about the everchanging world of special education.  You could discuss laws and rights of students with special needs.  You could also touch on some of the major categories of special needs students (specific learning disability, cognitively disabled, physically disabled, autism, etc.)

    Good luck!

  3. How about,

    "Imagine being discriminated against because you learn differently."

    I did my best. I would need more time to come up with something catchier but I hope I helped.

  4. Albert Einstein, Galileo, Thomas Edison, Mozart, John F. Kennedy, Bruce Jenner, Tom Cruise, Charles Schwab, Walt Disney and Robin Williams, what do they all have in common?  A learning disability.

    Maybe something like that.

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