
I am writing a story about vampires and...

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i was wondering if you could help a bit.

i have done my research and read many vampire books, and i am trying to create my own vampire in a way. i need suggestions on what my vampire should look like.

i especially need to know eyes.... gold black red purple green?

and any other general vampire appearances. i need a variety of answers.

please help. ps. this book is mainly just for me, but if it ends up being good i may publish it! woo




  1. Pure black eyes ( they can be just like that hero people, just a different version).

    Okay, they can have normal eyes, but they can change into pure black.


    during they day they are normal and at night they change ( just like werewolves)

    Try to make the vampire a high school student.

    There should be all kinds of different other vamps, but they keep it a secret.

    if the vampire is a girl you should make her themost prettiest, and has a perfect body.

    If it's a guy he should be just like the girl I said as above, his teeth is perfect as if all he's been eating is apples. He eyes are florcent (  I think that's what it is) and people can't help but to look into them.


  2. Since vampires are primarily night creatures, look to animals that spend a lot of time in the dark.  How are their eyes composed, what color, or colors do they have, how do they reflect light?  Does the vampire even use his eyes often, perhaps he navigates the same way a bat does by sound.  Do his eyes actually change forms when he is under light?  As a shape-shifter he may be able to use different forms of sight.  

    Remember that fiction has to make sense, a night creature that hunts in the dark, but can also move in the light (according to Stroker the vampire has a chance in the sun, but not a good one) would have very adaptable eyes.  Look towards the cat family, the hyena as well.

  3. Long black hair,with some that covers the face and tall(wtf a short vampire!?!)

    The eys should be.....RAINBOW!! Jk. Erm how bouts purple!

  4. I would advise making a beautiful red hair green eye vampire so that she draws subjects to her and have a guy who is in love with her but is sent to kill her! that would make a great plot!

  5. I think that their appearance would probably depend on how they looked when they were still mortal. For example, blue eyes could become lighter or darker.

    But then there is the time that they "vamp out" before feeding. Usually, I see yellow or golden eyes, sometimes red.

  6. For the eyes, I would say make some different clans or types of vampires, each having a different eye color that could be associated with that clan's traits.

    If you're going on that, then make each clan have their own pros and cons as well.


    Clan ''A' has green eyes. They tend to be tall, graceful, and very fast. Hair is generally dark brown and worn up. They live in heavily wooded areas and live off of the land. They are generally a peaceful race and don't mind helping people. They are deeply connected to the Earth but are greatly weaked by pollution.

    They don't HAVE to be like this, it's just my idea. E-mail me if you want more details about it.

    Good luck! =D

    *Try checking out some books on vampires, not fiction but actual informative books, then take what you like from the different vampires and combine them to find your own.

    **Stay away from making your vampires the most perfect things that walked the Earth, try adding some defects or faults if you want to break out of the mold.

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