
I am writing an informative speech on high school drop outs. What can be 2 different perspectives.

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I am writing an informative speech on high school drop outs. What can be 2 different perspectives.




  1. as a drop out, in the beginning of my junior year, I can offer the reasoning and the rationale of my personal actions, though don't know if i can speak for any segment of the population. In my case, while I had good grades up to my third year, I became very ill and required 6 weeks of hospitalization beginning the day before school started. I made a half-hearted attempt to join my class, but was so far back in chemistry, biology and whatever else they were taking, I couldn't bring myself to even attempt to catch up. So I said the h**l with it and hung out at bowling alleys and pool halls. Became proficient in both and started making a little monoey on the side. Then I got better and began making a career with both sports and today am a self-made millionaire. Naw, just kidding, I did shoot a lot of pool though and bowled a lot of games, then I decided to go in the Navy, and while there got my GED. When I got out I went to a junior college for a year, then transferred to a state university and got a BS in Journalism. Then I started teaching English in middle school and high schools and then I went back to the newspaper and now I do both. high school is not for everyone. personally, I was bored out of my mind. Books were botring, teachers were boring and it all seemed like a giant waste of time. Toi think that I saved two years of going to class by taking a half dozen tests one day and got the same end result! True, I had no knowledge of college and missed my prom (oh please) and all the stuff that they do as seniors, but kn hindsight, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

  2. ..............what?

    answer mine silly!;...

  3. the obvius side is the "stay in school" crowd.   another side could be schedule your GED exam for your 16th birthday, dropout, pass the exam and go to college at 16 graduate at 20 and be 2 years ahead of your former peers.  tution rates will be 2 years better than if you had stayed in school, you will be able to retire 2 years earlier--droping out is not just for the dumb kids anymore!!!

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