
I am14 and i was planning to go toVenice alone this January.would someone be looking after me in the airport?

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I am14 and i was planning to go toVenice alone this January.would someone be looking after me in the airport?




  1. yes, the police!

  2. Hi, why are you travelling alone? Do you have a chaperone waiting for you over there? A relative or family friend who can look after you? Do your parents agree to you travelling alone?

    I do haope there is some kind of arrangement being made to take care of you when you get there.

    As to looking after youat the airport, the international airlines do have arrangements to take care of children travelling alone. Your parents will have to contact the airline you are travelling and have them assign someone to accompany you from checking-in to barding the plane. Likewise, they will have someone meet you at your destination and help you out of the airport terminal to your chaperone/relative/friend. The international flights do have this kind of service available. Just need to contact them and give them your flight details.

    Hope this can re-assure you on boarding and disembarking. Someone will be there to help you through the security and checks gates.

    And please ensure you have people meeting you at the other side.

  3. Are you kidding girl? do you even speak the language? what would you be doing there all alone? and don't trust people so easily, im sure you don't want anybody you met over the net to look after you . . .

  4. Darling as a mother I would strongly advise that you don't travel alone at the age of 14, you will have plenty of time to travel alone when your older, honestly ,,,

  5. How will you pay for the airline?  Parents or relatives who are paying for your ticket should make all the arrangement for you including making sure someone will see you at the airport.  

    Why are you going to Venice alone?  Are you going to meet someone there?

    Hopefully not someone you met on the Internet!

    I hope this is not a real question.

    If you are running away or going without telling your parents or guardian, it is not a good idea.

    The airline will probably not let you go alone.  Assuming you are not Italian flying from somewhere outside Italy, you need a passport.  So it is unlikely that this will be possible.

    Wait till you are older if you are for real!  Or go with your parents etc.

  6. You could hire an escort for about $100 to lead you around the airport and make sure you got on the correct flight and didn't miss it, but seeing as how you're 14, I wouldn't recommend it. You're old enough to take care of yourself in an airport--just don't talk to strangers, and if you need help, try to find either a married couple or a woman--no freaky single men unless you're confident.

    Do you know the language?

    Also, I hope you have someone waiting for you at the airport in Venice--it's a nice, small one called Marco Polo Airport (no joke)--a lot smaller and easier to navigate through than Fiumicino (located in Rome, also known as Leonardo da Vinci airport).

    If you're going ALONE, alone, that I would advise against it, for Venetians aren't the sweetest, most patient people I've known, at least in my experience.

    Have fun, and indulge in the culture! Do NOT just eat McDonald's and drink coke! Italian food is not one to be missed!

    Buona fortuna, e bevi aranciata quando a Venezia!

  7. Uh, NO!  I think if you want someone to meet you at the airport you need to make plans ahead of time.

  8. wow...asking strangers to look after you...0_o

  9. No... no one will unless you have someone there....... waiting for you.... sounds like you need to have an adult with you.. no offense.....

  10. A very risky thing to do!  Wait until you are older.

  11. NOOOOO! A 14 year-old going to another country alone?! 0_o

    Nu-uh! *TISK,TISK* There could be ANYONE at that airport, girl!

    Also, asking for a COMPLETE STRANGER to come?! NO! Also, again, advertising your age ONLINE?! 0_o For your own good, bring your parents or buy 'em tickets as a suprise trip. They HAVE TO come with you! (That's ridiculous! They're LETTING you go alone?!0_o) Girl, your FOURTEEN! Please, not to me rude or anything but, please get that through your head! Look, I just don't want you to get hurt and i'm sure plenty of people would agree! Bring a parent or don't go at all. I wouldn't go alone if

    somebody told me if i didn't go alone they'd kidnap me! So please, MaSheNa S. Don't get hurt. If you don't want to take my advice, your on your own.

    P.S.-Someone might see your going to Venice in January and go and try to find you. Advice=NO PERSONAL INFO ONLINE, PLEASE!

  12. Only if you arrange this with a friend beforehand.  Otherwise, you're on your own.

  13. a 14 year old girl traveling alone.  Pervs and human traffickers will be looking for you everywhere no matter where you are.

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