
I amTrying to conceive any good adivce?

by Guest65895  |  earlier

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Im been trying for a year but trying to let nature take it course but ovulation predictors dont work




  1. Have you tried BBT?  OPK's don't work for everyone so maybe temp'ing is your answer.

    I run a parenting board where many women (Myself included) are currently TTC and taking herbs, Clomid, etc. to gt pregnant.  We'd love another member/cycle buddy. :=)

  2. I am trying to conceive too, I know how you feel.  Everybody tells me to just try not to think about it and it will happen.  And one person told me not to worry about when I was ovulating, but to just have s*x as much as possible and you should have s*x right when you come off your period.  Hope this helps you some.  Baby dust to you and best of luck!

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