
I amfrom bangalore but workin in chennai missingn my home and family what should i do..I will be herefor 1year

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I am mising my parents and sister in Bangalore..I will be in chennai for a maximum duration of 18 months..So suggest methods to overcome my fear




  1. Dear Mr. Karthik,

    I can understand your concern. Now the Chennai is not that far from Bangalore. It takes only 5 hours Train journey and less than Rs. 125 per ride. Initially you can visit Bangalore once a week, by spending Rs. 250.00. Gradually you can increase the period to once in two weeks. There are nearly 9 train service to and from Chennai to Bangalore per day. Select the week end and the time according to your holidays and working time.

    Mean while join Chennai Kannada Association located All over Chennai, where you feel at home.

    Good luck.

  2. Staying far away from family, increase more affections and love towards them. Also there is no point of fearing. In life you have to face all ups and downs. Don't be tensed of this small issue. There are lots more to go...(Mathey climate yeg iddhey guru..?)lol...

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