
I amputated 2 fingers in my left hand 1 yr & 1/2 ago in high school [wood shop]Can i sue? and who can i sue?

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I was cutting wood for a jewelry box [a class assignment] on the table saw in wood shop at my high school [my senior year, 17 at the time], my teacher was in his office with no sight of what was going on the machines.. when suddenly my wood and left hand were sucked in to the saw and my ring finger and pinky were amputated.. i was rushed to the hospital and had 2 surgeries.. the surgeons fused my fingers and told me the i will NEVER be able to bent my fingers since i had amputated them right on the joints.After the surgeries i had therapy but didn't work so i concluded my therapy.. since i will NEVER be able to bend my fingers i want to know if i can sue the school or the district for a compensation.. since i cannot work because i can not do a simple thing as picking up a box over 15 lb. I really wanted to sue the LAUSD district but i never took action because i was scared they would blame it on me.Also the machines in the class are really old. [i think there are like from the 1990's]




  1. You're going to have to show that the school showed negligence in upkeep and protection with their equipment.

  2. thats right, sue for a class that was obviously an elective, and take away from any future children who will attend that school - thats the spirit.

    Hey maybe if you sue for enough money you might be able to actually shut the school down - now that'll show 'em! Dont let that school hurt anyone else, by God.

  3. You really need to seek the advice of an attorney as to what your options are. I'm sure it will be difficult to prove that you weren't negligent, and that your teacher wasn't around to help. Technically it will be your word against that teacher.

    You need to write down what happened and submit it to an attorney as a formal statement. Then you both can decide what to do and if you have a case.

  4. Sounds to me like you were probably violating safe shop practices. At least the way I was taught to position my body when sawing wood.

    You would have to prove you were not taught proper shop practice and prove you were using proper technique as taught in the LAUSD facility. Or there would have to be proof the guards were defective.

    The fact the instructor was physically not in the shop is not a factor. Even if he had been in the shop the instructor cannot watch every person all the time. It is the students responsibility to ask questions if they are unsure how to perform an operation.

    But then you are in LA. I'm sure you can sue. But with no more information than you gave, unless you can get a lawyer to take your case on a contingency basis (He gets nothing if he doesn't win the case.) I wouldn't like your chances.

  5. You are an adult now.  What do you want to do.  By posting the question several times, you have an idea of what you should do.  Get a lawyer and see what he says.  He will be the best one to decide whether or not to file suit.

  6. I know you got some bad answers and bashers when you posted this in law & ethics, but I don't think you'll do much better here. Anyway, I repeat my advice, call your state bar association for a referral to a personal injury attorney and do it ASAP, as you never know about statutes of limitations. It probably won't expire for a little while, but sometimes when suing the a government agency, like a school board, it's very very short.

    Most lawyers won't charge you anything unless you win. It's called contingency.

  7. You injured yourself in a class that was an elective. While it is very unfortunate that you injured yourself, it is totally lame that you would sue the school and take the school's money for your mistakes that you made in the class that you chose.


  8. As much as I feel bad for you sueing wont solve anything, and you will likely be sued back by the school district ending in MONEY LOSS for you as they will probably win. (Better Lawyers).   Also I took a class like that and it was easy to avoid the sharp stuff, how exactly did your hand get sucked into it im just curious.

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