
I and my wife love each other very much.But frequently I got involved with other women seriously.What to do?

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I look all female as woman .I dont know why I get the feelings like this.I allways get attracted towards the opposite s*x.Is it a disorder then how to correct it.I have never faced any social problem for this except I get guilty conciousness.Pl. advice.




  1. If you're cheating on her tell your wife the terrible thing you did so she can divorce you herself.

    If you're just getting attracted towards the opposite s*x without acting upon it.. it might be because you're not attracted to your wife any more. Though you may still love her, you might not be 'in love' with her anymore. If that's the case talk to her about in a very serious/loving manner and tell her you would like to get a divorce.

  2. The plain and simple answer stop. Get control of yourself man.

  3. first off you have done the wrong thing in getting involved with another women. looking is normal you are married not dead lol but to act on it is wrong and you fill guilty because you know its wrong. if you grab a red hot peace of iron will it burn you and hurt causing you to let go? yes so to will this burn you so let go.

  4. you should be ashamed of what youve done and tell your wife right away!

    may she have mercy on your soul.

  5. Involved with other women?  Hey, each of us is human and admiring another person/opposite s*x is fine, but look and don't touch.

    There's a line that should never be crossed.

  6. If u love her very much try to stop looking at other woman and thinking about relationships with them.

  7. Get a grip of yourself. If you don't control your feelings for other women, you'll slip up, and you'll do it time and time again and you will lose your wife.

    Take a leaf out of Shane Warne's life.

  8. Seek therapy

  9. You really don't love your wife.   Everybody looks at the opposite gender - its just that we learned when our moms said "look but don't touch".    

    What would happen if one of those ladies said "I'm pregnant"?   Your entire life would be blown to h**l.

  10. Definitley seek the help of a professional..... There are issues deep within that you need to correct and they will be able to help you.... I think it is very wrong but think withhelp you can get better...... Good Luck

  11. I do not know HOW you men can cheat and say you love your wife. when you're in bed with another female what part does spousal love have to do with it?

  12. If you have cheated on your wife or even thought about it, then how can you claim that you love her.??

  13. If you get "seriously involved" with other women "frequently", that means that you DO NOT love your wife.

  14. Maybe you have a s*x addiction. That can be controlled through therapy.

  15. Its' My Wife and I.. If you love her then you would'nt be interested in throwing the leg over other women.. You obviously do not Love her like you claim to...

  16. obv you are turning bi

    and you wouldnt want to hurt your husband so dont fight the urge that just isnt right

  17. If your wife is a keeper then i think you need to seriously take a reality check immedeatly because in todays age a faithful and loving wife is extremely rare.

    You should start recognizing your woman as a human with live emotions and a heart and other aspects apart from her body.

    There is much more to a woman or a man than merely their body.

    Stop identifying attraction with the weakness of sexual urges.

    Start respecting your relationship.

    Cheers mate !!!

  18. You could stop cheating on your wife. That would be a start.

    Cheers :-)

  19. You could stop bragging!!

    if you get them all to live under the same roof, then you would have something

  20. then you really do not love your wife or you would never do such things. and no it is not a sickness...everybody tries to lable something as a sickness.  you can correct it by having self control. everyone sees someone else that they find attractive  but if they truly love the person they are with they do not go wandering.

  21. If you feel that your behaviour is immoral I advise you to discontinue this behaviour.  The attraction of one gender to the other falls within the confines of normative human behaviour and is not deemed pathologic.  Marital infidelity typically leads to untoward outcomes and I discourage you from engaging in such behaviour without the express written consent of your spouse.

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