
I answer questions in my sleep and came to realised it and it has since worry me so much. HELP!

by Guest45299  |  earlier

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I answer questions in my sleep and came to realised it and it has since worry me so much. HELP!




  1. If you are answering Yahoo questions in your sleep, you are on here too much.

    If you mean that people can ask you a question in your sleep and you answer, this is not that uncommon.  During certain stages of sleep we are "almost awake" and activity is going on in our brains.  In these stages we are most likely to dream or talk in our sleep.  If someone is aware that we are in that state (it's easy to tell because our eyes move under the lids), they may be able to actually ask us a question and we can answer them.  This is basically the same concept of legitimate hypnosis.

    If you feel its keeping you from getting adequate sleep or effectng your life, then certainly, see someone about it.  The same if you are so worried about it that you are obsessing over it.

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