
I answered a question, and my answer was rated poorly - i'd like to know where i'm going wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I still contest that it isn't fair - Surely, if hitler was indeed my older brother, then i would not be expected to respect him as a decent human being.




  1. Dude, this is the internet -- don't take it too seriously.  Someone either didn't like your answer and so rated you poorly, or their hand slipped when they were click click clicking around... don't worry about it.

    Answer questions respectfully and honestly and you'll be okay.

  2. please select a question you can answer well and answer. it is not good to blame others. try once again

  3. If you continue to react so much in such silly little matters,stuffs you'll suffer much MUCH MORE in the future LOL i can promise..SHAKY!

  4. family is family man.its critters like you thats going down

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