
I anyone else here fans of two teams equally?

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I was just wondering because I usually dont like people to be fans of more than one team but I am. I was born in San Diego but grew up in the Bay Area and went to A's games a lot when I was little, but I was also raised by my family to like the Padres so Ive have grown up with both teams and cant let either go.




  1. I'll take the Brewers over any team, anyday of the week.

    If you like two teams equally, your not a real fan.

  2. that means u dont really like either of them!

  3. Than you're a fan of neither.

  4. I really don't like any team other than the Cubs. I've been a fan my whole life and don't really care if any other team does well.

  5. While am a fan of  the White Sox and any team playing the Cubs. I don't see a problem with liking two teams as long as they are in different leagues.

    What happens when they play each other? Who do you cheer for?  

  6. I would say I am a fan of two teams equally, The LA Dodgers and the Carolina Mudcats.

  7. A person can be a fan of two teams if they are in different leagues but not two teams that play each other.  My favorite major league team is the St. Louis Cardinals my favorite minor league team is the River City Rascals, independent minor league team in O'Fallon, Mo.

  8. I was born in Southern California to a Giants fan and a Dodgers fan... wow! But Dad raised me right and I've been a Giants fan since birth.

    We moved to Colorado 10 years ago and I instantly fell in love with the Rockies.

    People have called me hypocritical, but I'm a fan of both teams, equally!

    --A Giants and Rockies fan

  9. I only like the Giants, but I put the Cubs on my favorite team thing on Yahoo Sports cause most of my fantasy roster consists of Cubbies lol

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