
I applaud Bush for lifting off shore drilling bans...what are your thoughts?

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I applaud Bush for lifting off shore drilling bans...what are your thoughts?




  1. here's what i don't get: he stated repeatedly that halting the shipments (700k barrels a day) wouldn't really lower prices because of the amount our country consumes/day (i think 2 million barrels).  now, it is a known fact that the gulf of mexico and off the west coast (excluding alaska) is only like 2 billion barrels or about 2 years worth of u.s. consumption.  and that's if we started drilling today!  when really by the time we drill consumption will have grown with population and it will be more.

      alaska has about the same amount as those two locations how come that will lower prices but the reserve didn't ?  i mean, it's kind of suspicious that he didn't want to stop the constant purchases for the reserve, yet he was so eager to start drilling in protected areas...kind of like the burning of the candle from both ends, but in a capitalist sense.  

       i think we should take the opportunity to pursue alternative forms of energy.  heck, we've known how to make fuel out of grass a h**l of a lot longer than we've known how to do it out of oil.

  2. My though is, I am very glad the liberal weenie John Kerry lost the election.

  3. I totally agree with his decision, now it's up to congress.

  4. Glad he has done it, but it will be yrs before we see the results of it.

  5. It's like putting a band-aid on a 6 inch knife wound.  In the long run, what the h**l good wil it do?  

    Do we have proof that thes off limit areas have more oil or better quality oil than the 60 some million acres they already have access too?  Give us proof before you give up on areas you haven't explored yet.

    We need to really really be developing and using something other than oil/gas.  Biodiesel, fuel from sugar (like they have in S. america and doesn't consume as much energy to produce like ethanol from corn), solar or wind or turbines to heat homes.  Get off the oil teat already W!

  6. Bush doesn't have the power to do that. It will not take affect until congress approves it. We need to drill but at the same time we need to be look at alternative energy sources such as clean coal, wind power, solar, and nuclear. Drilling is a step forward but it won't solve are energy problems. We consume too much oil for domestic drilling to ever meet the demand. So in my opinion it will have to be a combination of energy sources because at this point we do not domesticly produce a energy source that can meet are nations energy needs. .

  7. I think it's a good move, considering other countries are already drilling off our shores.  So the environmental argument is a non-issue in my book.  I'm glad he's done it.

    But, that being said, I think our government (prez and congress together) should have been putting pressure on big oil this whole time.  There just isn't enough research and development for alternative sources going on.  Something should have been mandated by now.....forget the tax incentives.  I just can't stop thinking about how many farmers might have avoided bankruptcy and total loss of everything they owned had E-85 been pushed years ago.

  8. Not before time.

  9. Too little too late. He should have done this years ago. Gas prices have continually rose during his 8 year term.

  10. there goes the Florida tourist trade! Which is not a bad thing.

  11. Just posted a question exactly what your thinking...check it out.;...

    Personally, it is the right step for him.  His career is ending, and this is one step to bring him back from being the lowest trusted President in US history.  He is making the right decision lifting a ban that was in affect since his father (George Sr.) was President in 1990.

  12. He would have done better to increase the fuel efficiency requirements for vehicles early in his term.  The amount of fuel that would have been saved would have been greater than the amount of oil we could drill.  And it would have helped with global warming.

  13. Dumbya wants us to continue down the same deadend road: using gasoline in our cards, instead of doing something to curtail that. He wants us to continue to lag behind the rest of the world instead of doing something more forward-looking here as an example for the rest of the world. He doesn't realize it's the planet that matters, not the US ratrace. You see, supply and demand has nothing to do with the price of oil - it's merely a matter of greed that does. And offshore drilling would never even amount to a drop in th bucket. Bad idea all around; just like drilling in Alaska etc.

  14. It's going to still be upheld by congress. They're not going to sacrafice the envrionment because we are paying $4 a gallon. Sorry, Bush needs to get off his high horse and stop letting oil companies keep getting record profits it's time to start taxing them instead of doing something so stupid to ruin the environment, but the good news is the chance of anyone drilling oil off shore is about as likely as a pig flying.

  15. Not a moment too soon .

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